Obey and Live


Who does God hold responsible for the hunger of neighbor? "Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?"



Listen,  your obedience shall set you apart.  Of all things to safeguard, safeguard WATER!


Safeguarding water should be our utmost priority, as it is the lifeblood of our planet. From microscopic organisms to entire ecosystems, water's impact is felt throughout the natural world. Agriculture relies on water to nourish crops and sustain livestock, while industry harnesses its power to drive innovation and progress. Our most treasured landscapes, too, owe their existence to water's transformative touch.


Although renewable, water is a fragile resource that demands our care and protection for the sake of our own future and that of our offspring with us who shall inherit the earth. (Psalm 27:9, 10, 11)  Its central role in the intricate web of life cannot be overstated—water is the beating heart of our world, connecting us all.


While water may seem abundant, it is only so because of the delicate balance established by the true God through the Earth's natural cycles. As we continue to consume resources at an alarming rate, we must pause and ask ourselves: What are we doing which may be irreversable?


The production of cement, a primary ingredient in concrete, offers a stark example. Each year, 4.2 billion metric tons of cement powder or clinker are produced, requiring around 170-180 liters of water (45-48 gallons) for every 1 cubic meter of concrete. Once water is incorporated into the concrete matrix through a chemical reaction called hydration, it becomes trapped and chemically bound. This 'non-evaporable water' contributes to concrete's strength and durability but comes at the cost of depleting our finite freshwater resources.


In light of this, we must recognize how this one product is "ruining" the Earth's natural water cycle. 


Rammed earth is a sustainable option in God's kingdom!


Water usage: While rammed earth construction does require water during the compaction process, the water is not chemically bound within the material like in concrete. This means that the water is eventually released back into the environment as the rammed earth dries.


Longevity: Rammed earth structures can last for centuries, with some examples still standing from ancient times. This long-lasting nature reduces the need for frequent repairs or reconstruction, saving resources in the long run. 


Low environmental impact: Rammed earth is a locally sourced material, reducing transportation emissions, and it has a low embodied energy compared to concrete. 


Rammed earth is the replacement for concrete.  Water is life, and we must do everything in our power to protect it for generations to come.





There are of you seven that God calls to be true kings under the kingdom rule of heir and king Shiloh, our lord and Savior.  To you I say in his behalf, "Go out and look out upon your land and count every head of beef.  Let not one head of yours go uncounted.  Determine how large of a plot of land would contain the entire half of your cattle.  Half of your cattle you are to retain for your peoples, and the other half is to be devoted to God as a sacrifice of worship.  Not for forgiveness of sins, but as a voluntary contribution to the house of God. - Proverbs  19:17.


On the seventh day of the month for every month, you are to make slaughter of the cattle that are not retained for your people.  These sacrifices are to be carried out from the 1st hour to the 7th hour until the last of your cattle is offered up. After the 7th hour all those surrendered to God as a gift are to be immediately packed in ice and sent out to God's storehouse of snow, Alaska. 


Those residing in the location of God's storehouse have free access to all that is gifted into his storehouse. Those compelled by the spirit of God will become part of a large network of volunteers who will be as guardians over the souls of those hungering.  All gifts sent to the storehouse of God are to be stocked, accounted for, and assigned to a region that is suffering from great hunger. So then begins the dispensation of much-needed food to those who are starving.  


Who among you will partner with the storehouse of God to be transport to take the divine gifts from God to the nations hungering?  Let the one with a giving spirit not hold back from giving, for with him will be a rich reward. 


Though at the start those hungering will only have meat to eat, God provides largely, in abundance, and its varieties. 


As for the land remaining over from the cattle let there come to be in its place a diverse array of sustainably grown, nutrient-dense, and flavorful plants that offer an adaptable and delightful foundation for a healthy and balanced diet. God will certainly bless the work of your hands and give you full yield.  When comes harvest you are to devote every fruit, root, and vegetable to God's storehouse which was planted over the soil where the cattle once resided.  This you must do for six years. In the sixth year, you are to let the growth of vegetation go fallow and also  begin to increase your cattle twofold and let them once again take over land for two years let, them prove to be fruitful, with healthy offspring."  


At no time are you to breed any animal that is not fed organically! Cows are to be nourished with grass and other forage plants.  Forage plants include grasses, legumes, and other green leafy plants that grow in pastures, meadows, and rangelands. 


No animals are not to be introduced to: 

  1. Androgens
  2. Anabolic steroids
  3. Pesticides


The exception to these are antibiotics. The Almighty cautions you not to spoil an animal by the: Overuse or misuse of antibiotics.  It can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can harm both the animals and humans who consume their meat or products.


Bring your yield into God's storehouse. 







To those who raise many heads of cattle to you two talents are given. To the one who has the least heads of cattle, look and see Shiloh has remitted to you ten talents. 


You have your orders and your talents, acts quickly. The Earth is being made new and we shall note her mending as we remit to God gifts into his storehouse.  


Regarding those who take of the meat of the cow, note her size. 


Can your family eat one whole cow in one day?  Then it does not belong to you to eat from her every single day.  Can your family eat one whole cow in one week?  If not, it does not belong to you to eat from her every week. Can your family  eat a whole cow in one month?  Then it does not belong to you to eat from her every month.  And yet can your family eat a whole chicken in one day, then you can buy a chicken a day, or a fish.  But what about a pig?  You will note that you will eat chicken and fish given its size more often then cow, and yet you would eat pig more often than the cow!  Do you get the meaning? 


We are the guardians of those who have no voice.  To the cow who has a youngling, she is to give suck for no less than 5 months if she is to be harvested for her flesh.   If she is not to be harvested in the 5th month her milk can then be retained after the 5th month for human use.  



Apportioning God's gifts with modesty



To the family of three your portion from God of the flesh of cow is  1/2 lb according to your conscience for more or less. 


To the family of four or more your portion from God of the flesh of cow is 1 lbs according to your conscience for more or less. 


To the family of seven  or more your portion from God of the flesh of cow  is 2.5 lbs according to your conscience for more or less. 





Do not COMMERCIALLY harvest from the Ocean for seven years!  Beginning October 2024.




Those who eat from the sea to sustain their life (not livelihood)

have no boundary of the sea as a food source.








Mother - Wife, 
